I am a wife, a mother, a singer, a songwriter, and most of all, I am an adopted child of God who wants nothing less than to be His vessel to share His light and His hope, love, and joy!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Missing The Point

There have been so many times in my life that I was “missing the point” of what I was doing or what I was going through. For example, I have been guilty of getting it wrong about this calling God has placed on my life. That’s why it has taken me over two years to write another blog post. I have been shamed into quietness LOL.

I struggle with cleaning my house, but the point of cleaning my house is not to impress anybody. The point of cleaning my house is so that we can have order, peace of mind, and we can be hospitable, welcoming people into our home without getting all bent out of shape. I have not arrived yet, but I have faith that I will. And when I do arrive, the point will never be to blow people away with my awesome house LOL. When I throw birthday parties for my kids, the point is not to make everyone happy and stress myself out making it a Martha Stewart party with from scratch recipes (I have always said I dislike hosting, especially birthday parties). The point is to love people and to love my kids. The point is yet another opportunity for us to gather together in love. The point is to make beautiful memories for my family and it’s another small way for me to show my kids how much I care about them. The point of my washing machine breaking and having to lug eight trash bags of laundry to the laundromat every week is not so I have a chance to whine and complain and pity myself. The point is to speak to hurting and lonely souls at the laundromat and draw them back to Jesus, by the work of the Holy Spirit. 

The point of my personal growth in Christ and personal revelations are not so I can brag about what an awesome human being I am or how smart and wise I am. It’s to glorify God by showing how powerfully and wonderfully God can transform someone and to give hope and truth to a world of broken people. The point of God giving me the gift and anointing to sing is not so I can perform earth shattering solos that put everyone in awe. It’s not to be famous or to earn millions. Again, it’s to glorify God and draw souls to Him. It to bring specific messages to people that God wants to deliver. It’s to break strongholds and heavy burdens that people are carrying. It’s to help them be set free from the enslavement from sin, addictions, fear, anxiety, and depression, and to walk in light and truth toward the hope of eternal life with Jesus!

The point of everything happening in my life doesn't have a whole lot to do with me! I can stop fretting if things are not going the way I planned, because it’s not about my plan! The point of the life God gave me is to be a “good and faithful servant” and to “do everything as unto the Lord". I’m starting to get the point of what I have gone through and what I have been given, and that makes me very happy.

Life in Jesus makes a lot more sense and brings a lot more peace and joy when we start to get the point. 

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Wow Sarah, that's very true and very striking. I lose the 'point' a lot. There are some things that I do while grumbling because I have totally missed the point which is to do everything as unto the Lord. Thanks for the reminder.