I am a wife, a mother, a singer, a songwriter, and most of all, I am an adopted child of God who wants nothing less than to be His vessel to share His light and His hope, love, and joy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Word of God Speak

Hey friends,

I recently had a realization that I usually write my blogs on Sundays or Mondays. That's because my spirit is freshly fed and inspired by Sunday church! There's a LOT to be said about going to church. Christians aren't (or shouldn't be) going to church to go through the motions or because they feel obligated to. If we open up our minds, hearts, and souls, we can be fed from the manna of heaven! The sad thing is, I also realize I should be inspired every day, not just Sundays.

My mother-in-law sang "Word of God Speak" yesterday. It's one of those songs most people hear and think it's really pretty, but you don't really think about the meaning or let it minister to you, but when someone delivers a song with a few choice words beforehand, it can have such a big impact. Myself, I've heard it dozens of times without really thinking about it. Yesterday, my mother-in-law spoke about how our times of waiting in the Lord may seem kind of like torture to us (my translation), but they are relished by God, and they can be relished by us too! We should be spending time in His presence every day, not just praying, not just reading the Word, not just listening to uplifting music, but silently in His presence waiting expectantly and eagerly for a word from Him. Actually, I don't know ANYONE who does this better than my mother-in-law...I lived with her for three years before my husband and I moved into our own home, and she spent time with the Lord the first thing every morning, and I don't know anyone who displays the fruits of the spirit better than her either! Joy, peace, love, goodness, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness, and temperance. My pastor's wife, Sister Marge, is another great example of someone who displays these fruits of the spirit so beautifully.

Will you join me in doing this at least 10 minutes every day, without any outside or inside distractions? I want to start doing this! I've been thinking about how I can be productive in this time of waiting and besides trying to read the Word and work on music, it has kind of eluded me, and after yesterday, I have realized, I really just need to rest in the Lord. I started today for 10 minutes...every time I do this (and it's been a while), I feel so strongly His presence and love, that it brings me to tears...every time!! He IS our daily bread and drink. As for a Word from the Lord I received today, the only thing I heard was that I need to do this every day and I will hear more and more from Him, and He will make my path so clear.

I will leave you with a video for "Word of God Speak".

God bless!


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