I am a wife, a mother, a singer, a songwriter, and most of all, I am an adopted child of God who wants nothing less than to be His vessel to share His light and His hope, love, and joy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Power of Pain

Hello friends and family,

I haven't been on Facebook for a few months. I felt strongly led to leave, and consequently I miss you all so much more! Please feel free to stay in touch in other mediums of communication!

It's been almost 3 months since my last blog post. So many times I wanted to write, but I didn't know what to say. All I can say is, God is doing a work in me, and I'm not quite sure where I'm headed, and it's been REAL uncomfortable, but at the same time, I know that there's a lot of truth in the saying "no pain; no gain"...so I will happily endure the pain in expectancy of the gain!

What has the pain been? A lot of things: my family's major transition in the church, studying new truths in the Word that I am struggling to understand and apply to my life, the Holy Spirit revealing to me my weaknesses that I need to confess and submit to God, feeling even more separated from the world than before as a result of shutting down Facebook, taking one step forward and two steps backwards in music, while trying to manage these cries of my heart along with the responsibilities of being a wife and mothering two toddlers, etc...

But I am learning that while the things God reveals to me are often painful, it proves to me even more than ever that I cannot rely on myself for the strength to be who God wants me to be. I can only rely on God. Somehow I previously leaned on a false philosophy that I didn't even know I had, that I am strong enough and good enough all on my own...I knew in my head that I was more than a conqueror only through Christ, but I was not always living that day to day and not always going to God for the strength I needed. This is one of my missions this year: I want to rely on the bread of life. I want to live and breath the Word and God's presence!

I want to challenge you all to think about this too! Examine yourselves!

I have a new Facebook page (not a personal account) and a Twitter page to provide music updates and daily thoughts. I have a new song Can't Wait to Meet You that I want you to check out also. It's about love of a parent and the love of God...

Here are some links for you:

Sarah's Twitter(or look up SarahVministry on Twitter)
Sarah's Facebook page (or look up Sarah Von Bergen on Facebook)
Can't Wait to Meet You video (song available for download on BandCamp, iTunes, and Amazon)

God bless you all!

P.S. In memory of 9/11, let us pray for this nation, that it once again be one nation under God that relies heavily on the power of God!